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Church History


          What is now known as the RADFORD COGIC had its origin on Furnace Row in West Radford about 1920. The Pastor was Elder G.W. Wells. Some early members were Sister Cassie Hubbard (now Church Mother), Sister Helen Hayden (now Licensed Missionary), and Brother Haze Snell (being the first Deacon). In 1929, the Church moved to Edwards Hall in East Radford. The Mother of the Church was Sister Alice Jackson and Mr. Pete Hayden was a Trustee. Other Members included Sister Martha Houcher and Sister Alice Star. About two (2) years later in 1931, the Church moved from a tent to its first edifice. Sister Hattie Vaughan was the first Mother of the Church. Brother John Hubbard, Sister Clara Hall, Sister Brannie Hubbard, Sister Minnie Frazier, Sister Martha Ingram, and Brother Sam Hall had joined the Church at this time. Mr. Fred Hubbard was Deacon and Brother William Ingram was a Trustee during this time.
          Around 1940 after the failure of Elder Well’s health, Elder Charles Butler took over the Church. In 1945, an Overseer came in and appointed Elder Simon who pastored until the arrival of Elder J.P. Dabney. Elder Dabney came to Radford in 1950 and later became a Bishop in the 2nd Jurisdictional Churches of God in Christ in the State of Virginia. Bishop Dabney helped to build the building in which service is currently conducted. Brother Harry Lewi, Brother Mckinley Harvey and Brother Frank Vaughan were Deacons and Trustees. Brother William Matthews (Now a Deacon) was a Trustee. Sister Cassie Hubbard replaced Sister Vaughan as Mother of the Church. Bishop Dabney continued as Pastor until his death in January of 1981.

        Elder Ronald A. Watson initially came to Radford in March of 1981 and moved here permanently in August of 1981. His tenure has resulted in profound changes and growth in the Church and local communities. Despite being in residence for less than four years, Elder Watson has accomplished numerous objectives. Ministries have originated and expanded under his direction and leadership. The Church membership has more than doubled since his arrival. This increase has resulted in purchase of more operational equipment such as a new organ, synthesizer, and an Audio System (PA). The Church has acquired the land adjacent to the Church and has purchased another van along with a bus.

        In 1984, the Church began a Renovation Project which will become an “Annual Event.” There are many different ministries in full operation, and they include the Food Program, Tutoring Program, Prison Ministry, Bus Ministry, Radio Ministry, Share Program, Tape & Audio Ministry, and Hospital Ministry.

Elder Watson is a Man of Action! He has sponsored several Job Fair Seminars from R.A.A.P. and V.P.I. & State University. These informative sessions resulted in increased employment in the local communities. He has involved himself totally within the community, whether it be judicial, spiritual, physical, or intellectual. GOD has given Elder Watson favor with people because of his dedicated service and devotion to him; not to mention the love and care for the people in the surrounding community. He has received several appointments because of his influence, integrity, and concern for the “total” man. He has been nominated to serve on the following Boards: *New River Valley Community Service, being appointed by Radford City Council *Ad Hoc Committee at New River Community college* The Alumni Association* Black Student Council at V.P.I. & State University* NAACP (Montgomery count and Pulaski chapters* Ministerial Alliance (Executive Officer) and *Industrial Improvement for the City of Radford –Appointed as chairman of Quality Life. The RADFORD CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST is BLESSED to have this “EXTRAORDINARY” man of GOD as PASTOR!!

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